Adding and managing appointments

Appointment are time slots scheduled for non-company related activities such as meetings or personal appointments.

All Autotask users are able to add, edit and delete appointments for themselves. These appointments will also appear on the Dispatch Calendar.

Appointments for scheduled items are color-coded light pink. Dark pink indicates requested or approved Time Off.

All users can schedule appointments on their Autotask Calendar. By default, you can only schedule, edit or delete your own appointments.

NOTE  If Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Features & Settings > Application Wide (Shared) Features > System Settings > Service Desk > Allow users that can view all tickets to see, edit, and schedule project tasks in Dispatch Calendar is checked, appointments, including private appointments, can be managed by the dispatcher in the Dispatch Calendar.

Appointment information differs slightly between scheduled items and requested or approved time off.

  • Scheduled items have a scheduled time and appear in a time slot. The time slot displays the appointment name and description. Hover over the appointment to display a tooltip that contains additional information. A right-click menu provides additional options.
  • A recurrence symbol indicates that the appointment is part of a series of recurring appointments that were imported from Outlook. Recurring appointments cannot be scheduled in Autotask.
  • Time off requests and approved time off might not have a scheduled time. Unscheduled time off appears on the scheduled day as a dark pink time slot at the start of the day's schedule. Scheduled time off shows as dark pink on the in the appropriate time slot. The slot indicates the number of hours requested and whether or not the time has been approved.

NOTE  Time off is requested and approved in Left Navigation Menu > Timesheets. You cannot manage time off on your calendar or in the Dispatch Calendar.

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